Hug Me, If You Can...!

Hug Me, If You Can...!

About: Hug Me, If You Can...!

Barbed wire is sharp!

Obviously, if we touch it, it can cause damage.

It’s better to say; These barbed wires are just like people who have enclosed their emotions by building high walls!

Walls that make communication with them difficult.

I think that loving someone who has been hurt in the past requires patience, a proper understanding of their situation, and an accurate vision of the type of relationship.

This kind of relationships can be a good exercise in flexibility and commitment to love those whose minds and bodies are enclosed in barbed wire.

But I believe that; with the passage of time, care and proper communication, you can soften those sharp edges and embrace them!

Now hug me, if you can…

Text, Design & Idea: Erfan Nayerzadeh Nouri

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